Current Publishing

Zionsville plans for financial future

Zionsville Town Hall

Long-term spending was the focus of Mayor John Stehr’s July 1 report to the Zionsville Town Council.

“We’ve been working on developing a five-year spending plan, and this has really been a very helpful tool in the 2025 budgeting process,” Stehr said. “All of our department heads submitted amendments to their five-year spending proposals and we are working through (the budgeting process) with our advisors at (accounting firm) Crowe (LLP) with a goal of bringing forth an appropriate five-year plan to show (the town council) at the Aug. 5 meeting, as well as an initial budget and spend down plan for our surplus for the budget workshop, which follows the Aug. 5 meeting.”

Stehr told councilors the town has put out a request for proposals to local banks, seeking the best place for town funds.

“We are offering local banks an opportunity to compete for housing our town accounts,” Stehr said. “The goal is to make sure we’re getting the best deal on fees and general banking expenses.”

Stehr said there has been significant interest in the RFP, with nine responses so far. The RFP requires those banks to have a branch within the town limits.

Stehr expects to report to the town council on the results of the search Aug. 5.

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