Current Publishing

Sewer line break repairs cost Lawrence $125K

CIG COM CouncilJuly1 070924

A sewer line break of off Pendleton Pike will cost the City of Lawrence about $125,000. 

The Utility Service Board voted unanimously July 23 to ratify a contract with Culy Contracting, which fixed the sewer line earlier in the month. The board agreed July 9 to declare a public emergency and allow the city to move quickly to hire Culy for the repair work, before the contract was formally approved.

Interim Utilities Superintendent Paul Wanner told the board during the earlier meeting that the work couldn’t wait for the usual contract-approval process.

“Due to this presenting public safety and health hazards, we would like the board to declare this an emergency situation and then it be noted in the meeting minutes, so we can proceed with the repairs as soon as possible,” he said. 

The sewer line break was between the CSX railroad and Pendleton Pike near Carroll Road. The city put a temporary patch on the break until Culy crews could get to it. 

The contract ratified July 23 by the Utility Service Board totaled $124,881. 

In other matters, the board approved a $225,000 increase to its contract with Conexco, Inc., for the city’s ongoing lead line inventory project. The federally mandated inventory of any water lines containing lead material must be completed by mid-October. 

The next Lawrence Board of Public Works meeting is scheduled for 5 p.m. Aug. 8 at Lawrence Government Center. All Lawrence government meetings are open to the public and livestreamed on the city’s YouTube channel and Facebook page, and


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