Current Publishing

Networking group connects Carmel-area women in business

CIC DOUGH 0730 Womens Networking Group

The Carmel Women's Network Group. (Photo courtesy of Lydia Abdnoor, Little Lamppost Photography)

The Carmel Women’s Networking Group meets monthly to discuss achievements, provide updates and share opportunities to support business owners in their latest ventures.

“We’re a group of women trying to support other women and our businesses, to help us grow and to refer business to each other, only if it’s organically, and to know that we can refer business because we speak on a monthly basis,” said co-founder Melissa Olson, Guild mortgage loan originator.

Founded in February 2023 by Olson and FC Tucker Realtor Erin Martin Scott, the group aims to provide support beyond a typical chamber or corporate network. To that end, the group is “category protected,” according to Olson, meaning the group only allows one member from a profession or business type. The group aims to grow to 30 women-run unique businesses.

“Part of the category protection is having the intimate relationships,” Scott said.

When group members consider referring, they automatically think of the businesses represented in their network.

Current members own businesses in categories that include boutique fashion, massage therapy, CPA services, dog concierge services, personal styling, organization and photography, among others.

“I think the women that we have, and the categories, are super exciting because we are your meat and potatoes, like your builder, your mortgage person, your accountant,” Olson said. “But then we have really cool businesses that you would never have thought of that feel really unique and exciting.”

Group member Abby’s Garden Parties owner Abby Perry left her career in pharmaceutical sales to start her terrarium business.

“In leaving the corporate world, I feared losing my professional network,” she said. “Instead, I’ve gained an even more valuable one through this group of Carmel women.”

Olson and Scott said the selection process is simple: Dedication to an open market business and a desire to grow and support other women. They would like to see women from the house cleaning, landscaping and maintenance sectors as well as an attorney and insurance agent join the group.

“We want somebody who’s entrenched in their business, who wants to grow, because that’s the whole purpose. We want somebody who has some dedication,” Olson said. “We only meet 12 times a year. If you miss one meeting, it’s a big deal.”

The group meets at 9 a.m. on the first Wednesday of each month in north Indianapolis unless a holiday falls on that day. Members keep in touch through a private Facebook page and support each other through attending events and spreading the word about each other’s businesses.

“We really, truly get to know each other and what our businesses offer,” Olson said.

A typical meeting lasts an hour and includes two 30-second opportunities for each member to offer a brief update on events and thanks for the support given during the month. At each meeting, two women present 10-minute updates about their businesses and upcoming events.

“The prime focus of the hour group is networking. We’re trying to be each other’s marketing,” Scott said. “So, we want to get out there and be a billboard, essentially, for all the people in this group.”

Although many of the members are Carmel residents, the group is open to Indianapolis-area women in business.

For more, contact Olson at or Martin Scott at

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