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GriefShare seminar to begin this month

GriefShare AUG 2024 web

Noblesville First United Methodist Church at 2051 Monument St. in Noblesville recently announced the beginning of its next GriefShare session that will be open to the community.   

The fall GriefShare weekly sessions will meet on Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. beginning Aug. 15. Participants are invited to join anytime during the 13 weeks of meetings. A one-time registration fee of $20 is appreciated.

According to Coleen Albright, lead facilitator for the seminar, GriefShare is a 13-week nondenominational group featuring Christ-centered programming that focuses on grief topics associated with the death of a loved one. Noblesville First United Methodist Church started the program in 2012.

“There was a need identified at our church for people who were grieving, and a couple who had lost a son in 2010 had been introduced to GriefShare,” Albright said. “GriefShare is international material that is available to churches around the world.”

Albright said the DVD seminar features nationally respected grief experts and real-life stories of people, followed by a small group discussion about what was seen on the DVD. Daily work in the GriefShare workbook also helps one reflect on their grief experience and healing process.

“It’s always amazing to me to watch folks from the beginning, when they arrive that first night, and then see how they progress during the course of the 13 weeks just by being with other people and listening to the material that’s presented in the videos and workbook,” Albright said.

The GriefShare group is led by people Albright said have experienced grief and successfully rebuilt their lives.

“I think it’s given people who are grieving an opportunity to come together, find each other and realize that they aren’t alone,” Albright said. “The experiences and emotions that they’re experiencing aren’t unique, and they can find support in other people and be supportive to others in the midst of their grief.”

For more, visit or contact Coleen Albright at

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