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Carmel Swim Club celebrates return of its Olympians 

CIC COM 0827 Olympians return 3

From left, Alex Shackell, Coach Chris Plumb and Aaron Shackell attend the Carmel Swim Club’s Welcome Home Party Aug. 15 at Carmel High School. (Photo by Ann Marie Shambaugh)

CIC COM 0827 Olympians return 3

The Carmel Swim Club celebrated the return of two of its athletes and a coach from the Olympic games in Paris with a Welcome Home Party held Aug. 15 at Carmel High School.

Young CSC swimmers and their families filled the cafeteria to congratulate siblings Aaron and Alex Shackell and CSC head coach Chris Plumb on their accomplishments at the games, held July 26 to Aug. 11. The trio shared highlights and anecdotes during a Q&A session before taking group photos with CSC swimmers.

Alex Shackell, 17, who began her senior year at CHS earlier this month, won a gold and silver medal as part of the women’s 4×100 medley and 4×200 freestyle relays, respectively, swimming in the preliminary rounds for both races. She said making the team, training with the best swimmers in the nation and competing in Paris was the best month of her life.

“It was so much fun getting to see what it’s like behind the scenes instead of watching it on TV,” she said. “Actually competing in it and watching in person all these world records go down, especially for the Americans, was the best experience ever.”

Aaron Shackell, 19, who will compete for the University of Texas in the upcoming season, was the only U.S. swimmer to advance to the finals of the men’s 400-meter freestyle, finishing in eighth place.

“A lot of people weren’t expecting anything from me. I was just one of the extra guys that happened to get a spot in the 400, and the U.S. wasn’t very strong in that,” he said. “But I really wanted to prove everyone wrong and show that I was capable of competing with the Australians or the Koreans or the Germans or whatever it was. I really wanted to get in the final and represent Team USA in a good way. And I think I did.”

Plumb, who joined CSC in 2006, said participating in the Olympics was the realization of a lifelong dream. He served as an assistant coach for the U.S. team.

“There was definitely a moment where I was at the camp, and I’m looking around, and I can’t believe I’m actually here coaching this team with these people,” he said.

Outside of the pool in Paris, the Shackells enjoyed meeting other athletes in attendance to watch or compete. Alex Shackell said she enjoyed a casual chat with gymnastics legend Simone Biles when they were both in a recovery room, and Aaron Shackell, a longtime basketball fan, said he got a picture with Spanish basketball star Pau Gasol.

Neither Shackell was impressed with most of the food in the Olympic Village, but they raved about the chocolate muffins, a treat that went viral on social media after athletes posted about them.

“The inside of them was chocolate gooeyness,” Aaron Shackell said. “I can’t even describe it. I had like 30 of them.”

Both siblings have said they look forward to continued improvements in the pool and hope to represent the U.S. in the next summer Olympics, set for 2028 in Los Angeles.

Plumb, who said he picked up some new coaching methods and ideas at the Paris games, said he is also excited about the future and CSC’s potential role in it. He believes his Olympic experience can help CSC athletes continue to make a splash on the international stage.

“My sights are set on LA 2028,” Plumb said. “It doesn’t get easier, but you understand how it gets done. I think there’s a lot of power in that.”

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