Current Publishing

Opinion: Anyone can act heroically

Worrell Headshot


Commentary by Jeff Worrell

It’s that time again – back-to-school season! Some of those who will spend Monday through Friday in a place of education are pumped, while others might be feeling a bit nervous. That mix provides plenty of opportunity to foster a culture of civility both in the classroom and out.

Regardless of grade level, acts of incivility may bubble to the surface, causing embarrassment and making a classmate feel uncomfortable. While stepping in as though a superhero, squashing the bad guy and saving the day might not be everyone’s strength, there is another way. Just don’t join in. Be obvious in your disapproval of the act. Do not condone, reinforce or accept bad, bullying behavior.

Beginning my first day of fourth grade, I made the critical mistake of wearing a lime green shirt that caught the eye of my classmate. She decided it was hideous and I needed to be shamed into never wearing it again. Had her gang decided the issue was not worth their time, my brand-new first day of school shirt may have lived to see another day.

Not everyone can be a superhero, but anyone can act heroically. Make civility your heroic first choice.

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