Current Publishing

Opinion: Good food, great company

Worrell Headshot


Commentary by Jeff Worrell

The backyard barbeque is an Indiana summer tradition whose days are sadly numbered for this year. I can still smell the scent of sizzling sausages and hear the competitive thwack of a lively game of croquet. Do I dare believe incivility can show up, too? Uncle Bob is not afraid to share his overzealous evaluation of the chef’s grilling skills or next-door neighbor Gladys’s unsolicited critique of the potato salad. Sometimes these gatherings can push politeness to its breaking point.

Picture this: Tensions rise as the debate over charcoal versus gas grilling heats up. Meanwhile, the battle for the last juicy burger ignites a fierce game of foodie tug-of-war. And let’s not forget the classic clash of conflicting marinades and sauces that can turn even the most mild-mannered neighbor into a condiment warrior.

But fear not, dear readers, for amid the chaos and culinary clashes, there lies an opportunity for true civility to shine. It’s a chance to embrace differing opinions, share delicious recipes, taste foods you swore would never cross your palate and ultimately come together in the spirit of good food and great company. All can be well.

So, next time you find yourself at a backyard barbeque, remember to keep your cool, savor the flavors and let civility prevail – at least until it’s time for dessert.

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