Current Publishing

Lannan seeks Hamilton Southeastern board seat


Current is publishing Q&As with candidates for various seats in our readership area. Below are the responses of Hamilton Southeastern School Board candidate Greg Lannan, who is running against Latricia Schooley for the Delaware Township seat. The election is Nov. 5.

Lannan is director of business development and marketing with Hamilton County-based BW Construction. He lives in Fishers’ Sunblest neighborhood with his wife, Megan, and their young son, James.

What motivated you to run for school board?

I’ve been blessed with incredible opportunities throughout my life, starting with my education here in Fishers. I’m incredibly lucky to have grown up here in one of the best school districts in the state, if not the nation, and it’s our responsibility to ensure it remains so.

What is your vision for local education?

Local education must prepare all students for successful lives and careers. We must ensure teachers remain supported and parents have transparency and a seat at the table. We all have the same goal of ensuring our children succeed, and I will work toward that end.

What is the biggest challenge facing public education now?

Public education has become too politicized in recent years, and we’ve gotten away from the basics. It’s our job as a society to prepare our children and ensure they’re ready for their lives ahead. That isn’t political — it’s common sense and we can all work together toward it.

What do you support about how HSE schools are run and what would you change?

HSE schools are thriving and ranking among the rest of the state and nation reflects that. Our parents are engaged, our teachers are immensely dedicated, and our students reflect the vibrant community where we live. It’s our job to make sure that continues.

How will you represent everyone’s interests, regardless of whether they voted for you?

If elected, I will not take that responsibility lightly and will work to ensure all students, parents and teachers are well-served. I’ve spent my career working with others to achieve results and I’m asking for your vote.

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