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Letter: Time to choose person over party

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The citizens of our community have a unique opportunity in the coming election to elect a truly bipartisan public servant for the Indiana Statehouse. As we near election day we must ask ourselves, do we continue to vote along party lines, or do we support candidates who truly put our community ahead of themselves?

As a Republican, I have volunteered, supported and raised money for several of our current Republican elected officials. Over the past years that I have served with (Democrat) Matt McNally in the Veterans of Foreign Wars here in Carmel, I have seen nothing but selfless dedication to our community.

Matt is not a politician; he is a public servant and a patriotic American.

This is the reason why I started “Republicans for McNally,” a group of community leaders, veterans, business owners and citizens who believe it is time to look past party lines and choose the best person for the job.

Matt McNally has proven his dedication to the people of our community, working to reduce veteran suicide, volunteering with the Carmel Police Citizens Alliance and testifying at the statehouse on bills that support our veterans and improve breast cancer screenings for Hoosier women. He listens to everyone, regardless of party, and always puts the best interests of our city ahead of himself.

Matt is also a veteran who served our country for 22 years, including service in Afghanistan and Iraq, and he is still serving veterans as the senior vice commander of our VFW post here in Carmel.  Matt McNally knows the importance of freedom and I know he will fight for us here, in Indiana.

I am proud to support Matt McNally for state representative for House District 39. It is time to choose person over party.

Darin Bibeau, Carmel

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