Current Publishing

Thomas seeks reelection to Hamilton Southeastern board

Current is publishing Q&As with candidates for various seats in our readership area. Below are the responses of Hamilton Southeastern School Board candidate Suzanne Thomas, who is running for reelection against Terry Tolle for the Fall Creek Township seat. The election is Nov. 5.

Suzanne Thomas

Thomas is a Realtor with the Thomas TEAM of Carpenter Realtors and a Fishers resident. She has three sons, a daughter and three dogs.

What motivated you to run for school board?

As a mother, realtor, and volunteer, I noticed a shift in my youngest son’s school experience. Through my roles as a substitute teacher and coach, I saw areas needing improvement. I’m running for reelection to ensure strong literacy, fiscal responsibility, and educational excellence for HSE students and staff.

What is your vision for local education?

I want to continue to advocate for all students as we provide a rigorous curriculum in all areas and robust exceptional-learners programs, proper staffing, support for teachers and competitive compensation. We must prepare students for future success with multiple pathways, including college prep, employment, military, trades, vocations and technology.

What is the biggest challenge facing public education now?

The biggest challenge is maintaining educational excellence while balancing fiscal responsibility. Parents, teachers, and administrators must collaborate. We must offer strong programs in literacy, math, and vocational training, keep class sizes manageable, support teachers and staff, and maintain facilities—all while working within a balanced budget for student success.

What do you support about how HSE schools are run and what would you change?

HSE schools excel due to dedicated teachers, but communication with administration, board & teachers can improve. The board and administration should collaborate more closely with teachers, address their concerns, and provide better support while ensuring everyone understands the laws and budget constraints guiding decisions for the best student outcomes.

How will you represent everyone’s interests, regardless of how they vote? 

As an involved community member and business owner, I feel that I am fair and listen to all. School Board is nonpartisan and politics do not belong in the board room. I am dedicated to researching (and) asking questions to ensure representation of all community interests. I am a mama bear and my priority is always students first.

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