Current Publishing

Tolle seeks Hamilton Southeastern Fall Creek Township seat

Current is publishing Q&As with candidates for various seats in our readership area. Below are the responses of Hamilton Southeastern School Board candidate Terry Tolle, who is running against incumbent Suzanne Thomas for the Fall Creek Township seat. The election is Nov. 5.


Tolle, a chiropractor, lives in the Fall Creek Township district with his wife, Lisa. They have three children.

What motivated you to run for school board?

I was on the HSE School Board from 2015 through 2018. Several community members asked me to run again this year. I’m excited to have the opportunity to work with (Superintendent Patrick) Mapes to promote academic and athletic excellence while being fiscally responsible and promoting parental involvement

What is your vision for local education?

My vision for local education is to create a positive environment and provide enough resources and teachers so that our students are prepared for college or a career in the trades upon graduation

What is the biggest challenge facing public education now?

I believe the biggest challenge with public education right now is funding and civility in the district

What do you support about how HSE schools are run and what would you change?

I really like the many special programs including Project Lead the Way that we have inside of our schools and the partnership with local colleges for dual college credit classes

How will you represent everyone’s interests, regardless of how they vote? 

If elected, I will work with all of the stakeholders to promote a positive learning environment so that all children can achieve their dreams.

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