Current Publishing

Two seek open Metropolitan School District of Lawrence Township at-large seat

Puckett Young

From left Puckett and Young.

Current is publishing Q&As with candidates for various seats in our readership area. Below are the responses of incumbent Crystal Puckett and challenger Eric Young, who are running for an at-large seat on the Metropolitan School District of Lawrence Township School Board. The election is Nov. 5.

Young is director of finance at Leaf Software Solutions. He lives in Lawrence with wife, Jennifer, and son, Ian, a Lawrence Central High School student. Puckett lives in Lawrence with her husband, Robert, and they have five children who have all attended or are attending Lawrence Township schools.

What motivated you to run for school board?

Young: Our district deserves representatives who ask tough questions of the administration and seek deeper understanding on the issues. (In my work), my role is to oversee finances, human resources, contract negotiations and office operations.Those skills prepare me to be more than just a rubber stamp for the administration.

Puckett: I serve on the at-large seat, and my voice represents our entire district. My family has experienced great times and challenges within LT, which fuel, my commitment to advocate for those who may not have a voice. I see positive progression and seek to continue serving for the betterment of all our children.

What is your vision for local education?

Puckett: My vision for MSDLT is to continue to be a model of educational excellence. I’m grateful for the vision and execution of MCIT career pathways, dual language program expansion and Blue Ribbon Facilities, which provided updated facilities and secure schools. In addition, I’m grateful for the continued implementation of inclusive policies and practices.

Young: I want a renewed focus on supporting teachers and staff. Leadership should set a vision and then support those who are doing the work to achieve that vision. As a member of the board, I will work to set tough but achievable goals and ensure our teachers have the resources necessary to achieve them.

What is the biggest challenge facing public education now?

Young: I see the biggest challenge being a lack of support and respect for our educators. We need to listen to the professionals that are in the classroom and value their feedback and solutions for improvement.

Puckett: Lowering the achievement gap, teacher shortage, rise in homelessness, chronic absenteeism and school safety. LT has been proactive and innovative in meeting the needs of our students despite the issues that affect students across the state.

What do you support about how MSDLT schools are run and what would you change?

Puckett: I support our leadership, teachers and staff’s commitment to student success. They are the driving force behind LT’s positive progression. I hope their continued work is supported and respected, ensuring an enduring positive impact. I’m hopeful for a change in the rise in youth violence. I will continue to support policies that close the achievement gap.

Young: Lawrence Township is fortunate to have great diversity. I am proud of MSDLTs efforts through the Equitable Student Outcomes action plan. As a board member, I will ensure we actively move to complete this action plan and prepare for the next set of actions needed to continue our pursuit of equity for all.

How will you represent everyone’s interests, regardless of How they voted?

Young: Everyone wants a district that provides an excellent education for all students. As a board member, I will seek input from everyone in the community. I would like to see the school board host listening sessions around the district so we can hear the praises and concerns of our stakeholders.

Puckett: I will continue to meet with leaders across the aisle to advocate for our schools. I’m also committed to ensuring that every student, regardless of background, ability or circumstance, has access to the support they need to succeed. My priority is the well-being and success of all students.

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