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Letter: Political expression shouldn’t invoke name calling

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I enjoy reading Jeff Worrell’s weekly article on civility. Jeff is a Republican and I am a Democrat. We agree on the importance of respectful exchanges – even when we disagree.

My husband and I joined Carmel Democratic Club members at a recent farmers market before heading out to canvas for candidates. My husband, wearing his democratic club T-shirt and a veteran’s hat, was standing with other members as we prepared to take a group photo.

A woman walked by him and said, “You are an idiot,” pointing at his T-shirt. He did not engage with her. I thought, did a child hear her? And how would a child process such an unkind message?

As a Democrat, I feel Indiana needs greater balance in our Statehouse as a super majority is limiting us from fully addressing issues such as women’s rights, education and health care. Balance to help build civil discourse as important decisions are made.

Yes, I vote for Democrats most of the time. For this election, I am voting very blue as I feel the Democrats on my ballot represent policies and positions we need to move forward as a town, state, nation.

All of us have a right in America to express our political choices without being called “an idiot.”

Shelley Carey, Carmel

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