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Letter: Biking in Carmel a life-threatening endeavor

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I think my family and friends would consider me to be level-headed and not prone to overreaction, but the last few weeks of road biking in west Carmel have been particularly unnerving. I’ve been riding in Carmel for over 20 years, and I am aware of the general risks. I wear a red or fluorescent yellow jersey so that I’m easily seen, have bright LED flashers on my bike and helmet, obey the rules of the road, yield to cars in any questionable situation and ride as close to the white line as safely possible.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve had two near collisions with cars speeding through a roundabout. In both situations, I was stopped or riding under 5 mph as I reached the roundabout. I checked to be sure that all the traffic coming from the left had cleared and then did the same for the traffic coming from the right. In both instances, a car coming from the right was moving so fast that it wasn’t even in sight as I proceeded into the traffic circle.

I have also had numerous instances of cars and pick-ups passing me intentionally close to send a message of their annoyance or passing me and then swerving back in front of me to let me know that my slowing them down for 15 seconds wasn’t appreciated. These events may all be part of a general deterioration of social awareness, but I thought that Carmel residents were more considerate.

Most Carmel drivers are courteous and careful, but it only takes one careless, distracted, annoyed or rushed driver to kill a bike rider. Is getting to your location 15 seconds sooner or demonstrating your annoyance with a biker on the road worth changing your life and the rider’s life forever?

Scott Savader, Carmel

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