Definition of ambience



Small-town ambience? Just look at what seeking this elusive small-town ambience has cost. Our leaders, with delusions of grandeur and disregard for the burden they put on taxpayers, have given us a school system with the highest debt load per student in the state. And insult to injury, we have declining tax revenues because our leaders turned away commercial development that could have filled the gap. But the school system is not the only drain on taxpayers as the Town Council showers money on “The Village” welfare queens with sweetheart deals like a publicly financed parking lot and low-interest microloans for those lucky enough to be in the TIF district, with outright grants to remodel their building façade. So, if “small-town ambience” is defined by an antithesis to new tax-paying businesses, sky high taxes, monster debt loads and corporate welfare for a select few, then we have no problem.

Tom Hallett
