Current Publishing Advertising

Space reservations:
Eleven days prior to arrival in homes.

Materials delivery:
Eight days prior to arrival in homes.

File format:
We accept high-resolution, editable PDFs (1200 / 200) and Creative Suite files. We do not accept Microsoft Publisher documents.

Where to send:
All materials are to be sent to [email protected] with the aforementioned deadlines in mind. We will format your ad and return it to you for proofing.

Front-page strip: 9.5” x 1.25″”
Full page: 9.5” x 10”
Three-quarters page vertical: 7.083″ x 9.5”
Three-quarters page horizontal: 9.7” x 7.083”
Half-page vertical: 4.67” x 9.5”
Half-page horizontal: 9.7” x 4.67”
Three-Eighths page vertical: 4.67” x 7.083”
Three-Eighths page horizontal: 7.083” x 4.67”
Quarter page: 4.67” x 4.67”
Quarter-page vertical: 2.25” x 9.5”
Quarter-page horizontal: 9.5” x 2.25″
Eighth-page vertical: 2.25” x 4.67”
Eighth-page horizontal: 4.67” x 2.25″

For advertising opportunities, including online, inserts and managed direct mail, please e-mail your specific needs to [email protected].

Our Reach:
We deliver to households in the markets we serve by U.S. Mail. Total readership is 333,950 in 133,580 households each week. Breakdown is as follows:

  • Current in Carmel – 38,529
  • Current in Fishers – 29,297
  • Current in Lawrence/Geist – 11,512
  • Current in Noblesville – 19,400
  • Current in North Indy – 6,308
  • Current in Westfield – 15,692
  • Current in Zionsville – 12,842
To our readers and advertisers:

From time to time, we as owners evaluate our business practices and systems. That ranges from advertising to editorial content to distribution.

This is about the processes we have in place, chiefly the one involving intake of ads and their content.

As has been our practice, we will treat all Current advertisers fairly and openly, just as we treat our wonderful readers. We staunchly support freedom of speech and we are open to all points of view, but we are not an open platform. That means we will maintain a standard for advertising acceptance that is both industry leading and consistent. It also means we and our advertising partners will adhere to a standard that encourages creation of messaging that is rooted in civility.

We have decided as an ownership group to more closely review ad submissions. Anything lacking civility will be returned to the customer in hopes that the message will be modified, and if it cannot be modified or will not be modified then it will not be published.

To be clear, Current Publishing reserves the right to reject any type of advertising, and it has a handful of business categories from which it never will accept advertising. That will not change.

Thank you for your time, and thank you for reading Current.

Ben Weir, president
Steve Greenberg, executive vice president
