Column: Growing Fishers craves employment opportunities


Commentary by Larry Lannan

The rapid population growth of Fishers in the past 20 years has been largely fueled by migration of residents from the Indianapolis area. Sustaining growth in Fishers will be measured by the ability of the community to attract and retain jobs in Fishers.

There are some fairly large employers already operating in Fishers. The largest is the loan processing firm of Sallie Mae, which has about 1,500 people working at the local facility. The Marsh Supermarket headquarters in Fishers has roughly 525 people on its payroll.

The Town of Fishers has been aggressive in working to retain businesses already in place here. The best example is Meyer Najem.

The construction management firm had outgrown its building on 131st Street just east of State Road 37. The company’s owners looked at various options, including a move to nearby communities such as Noblesville, Carmel or Westfield.

In the end, Meyer Najem decided to remain in Fishers after the town offered an incentive package which included a new headquarters building now under construction behind the Fishers Library along Lantern Road.

Keeping current employers in town won’t be enough to sustain future growth. Fishers will need to find a way to attract new jobs and employers.

One part of that strategy is the business innovation center Launch Fishers. Several successful new businesses have already been hatched there and more local Fishers employers may be created in the coming years.

There are indications Fishers will be aggressive in attracting existing businesses to relocate or expand their operations with jobs in Fishers. Town officials indicate they have the necessary tools to be competitive in luring employers hers.

This will not be easy. There are plenty of suburban communities competing for the same employers.

We have some major selling points in Fishers. Location, Inc., cited Fishers as the 19th safest city in America. In 2012, Money Magazine listed Fishers number 12 among the top 100 best places to live in America.

With our outstanding school system and first-class parks and athletic facilities, Fishers can make a strong case to any prospective employer.

Look for Fishers to be in the hunt for more jobs here. Town staff this year – city staff next year – will be ready to use all the tools in their arsenal to bring jobs to our local community. We all have an interest in attracting more jobs to Fishers.
