Parks-Reese seeks reelection

Sarah Parks Reese 1

Current is publishing Q&As with candidates for various seats in our readership area. Below are the responses of Hamilton Southeastern School Board candidate Sarah Parks-Reese, who is running for reelection for the Wayne Township seat against challenger John Stewart. The election is Nov. 5.

Parks-Reese lives in Noblesville and is the assistant director of kindergarten readiness at the Indiana Department of Education.

What motivated you to run for school board? 

I have a passion for providing all students a quality inclusive educational experience, ensuring students are the center of each decision. Additionally, I wanted to be a voice for Noblesville residents who attend HSE. During my term, we’ve faced tough decisions, but I’ve kept the best interests of students first.

What is your vision for local education?

HSE must provide dynamic educational opportunities to meet students where they are, by providing extra support and advanced opportunities to students who need either; and offering a variety of courses to allow students to explore career paths while building knowledge needed to succeed in any post high school path.

What is the biggest challenge facing public education now?

Funding. School funding formulas are often not favorable to districts, particularly those with demographics similar to HSE’s. Additionally, increases to school funding have not kept up with inflation. Public schools depend on referendums, which are a lot of work and costly for schools to run.

What do you support about how HSE schools are run and what would you change?

HSE offers experiential learning at AgriPark and moves toward literacy coaches and mental health support have been positive. Concerns include the need for English learner support, lack of preschool opportunities, poor balance and distribution of students and finally providing additional career and technical education opportunities.

How will you represent everyone’s interests, regardless of whether they voted for you?

I have always worked to put students at the center of each decision. When students’ interests are put first, that positions the district to be in a good place, which represents the best interests of all voters, taxpayers and the community as a whole.
