Column: Better health through better habits


Commentary by Adam Timm

Everyone is a creature of habit.  Good or bad, our minds associate actions with an outcome or feeling.  This is the basis for our habits and sometimes our habits are so deeply rooted in our minds that we do not even realize what we are doing, but go through the day on autopilot.

Habits can be used to your advantage by creating routines that foster a healthy lifestyle. Some examples include quitting smoking, eating more vegetables and exercising on a regular basis.  We must first decide what habits we want to change or create and then determine how we are going to make that change.

Successful change relies on simplicity, planning and consistency.  Start with making small and simple commitments and sticking to those commitments for at least 30 days.  For example, start a new nutrition habit of eating a big salad for lunch each day.   Plan your lunch the evening before and pack a salad to grab in the morning.  You can add other items for lunch, but make sure you eat a salad each day.  Creating this routine of packing lunch the night before will not only provide more nutritious food for lunch the following day, but it will also reduce stress as you get ready to leave the house in the morning.

Having an accountability partner can help with the success of changing your habits.   Let someone know of your intentions to change and what plan you will take to make that change.  Ask that person to hold you to your commitment.

Use the power of habits to improve your lifestyle.  Start thinking of how you can continue an exercise program as the weather gets colder this fall.  Many people stop being active when they cannot step outside into comfortable weather.  Enjoy the process to create a healthier lifestyle.   At Concept 7 Fitness we focus on seven lifestyle principles to create healthy habits.  Visit us at  to get more information on our 7 Lifestyle Principles.
