Fishers resident changes lifestyle

Lumpkin: Before and after. (Submitted photos)
Lumpkin: Before and after. (Submitted photos)

By Renee Larr

Fishers resident, Tommalisa Lumpkin, had always been athletic and active. She was a dancer and ran marathons. Something changed over the course of 10 years and she began to gain weight.

“I had two little babies 16 months apart in my 40s,” Lumpkin said. “I think from that point on is when I started going south because I started having knee problems. I had to have surgery in both my knees. I think it was a psychological shift. Then I started having health issues which I think was the direct result of the weight gain. So it was a combination of a lot of bad choices.”

A scary incident with her two young boys in 2013 spurred her to action.

“It was a horrible moment in my life. I literally thought I was going to die. This particular morning we were sitting in the study, and we could see the bus coming in the neighborhood. There was this tightness in my chest where I couldn’t really breathe. I felt like my heart was beating in my throat, and I had never felt this before. They could see that something wasn’t right. I just prayed if I die, don’t let it be while they’re watching,” said Lumpkin.

With the help of her children, Lumpkin calmed down enough to drive them to school and herself to the ER. After a barrage of tests, she was told she had a panic attack.

She found a mental resolve to make a change. She hired a trainer, began hitting the gym and began to change the way she ate.

Today, Lumpkin finds motivation through competing in body building competitions and starting a motivational speaking business. She vows to stay fit for the rest of her life, and hopes she can help inspire others.
