Fishers council unanimously supports State Road 37 plan

A proposed rendering of a roundabout overlay at the intersection of 141st and Ind. 37. (Submitted rendering)
A proposed rendering of a roundabout overlay at the intersection of 141st and Ind. 37. (Submitted rendering)

By Sam Elliott

The Fishers City Council unanimously supported the proposed road transfer and interlocal agreements between the City of Fishers, the City of Noblesville, Hamilton Co. and the Indiana Department of Transportation following a presentation on the plan for State Road 37 improvements by mayor Scott Fadness at the Dec. 21 council meeting.

The plan, announced Dec. 10, will see Fishers and Hamilton Co. each pay $12 million and the state pay $100 million to convert several intersections into roundabout overpasses above State Road 37 between 126th Street and 146th Street.

“I think one of the attractive parts of this for the governor’s office was local participation,” Fadness said. “The City of Fishers and the county and the City of Noblesville are going to participate in this project on a unified front.”

The approved agreements between the entities will see control of the proposed stretch of Ind. 37 given from the state to Fishers during construction.

“We know we have a lot of valuable businesses and a lot of great neighborhoods along this corridor and we understand construction can be a difficult time for anyone,” Fadness said. “Within this document, what is unique and really collaborative is… basically the state of Indiana, the department of transportation and the governor’s office is going to relinquish the road, State Road 37 from 126th through 146th Street, to the City of Fishers.

“That will occur sometime after we get done with the environmental study right before we bid the project,” Fadness added, saying there will still be a two-year design phase before construction. “That road will become just like any other road in the City of Fishers. We will maintain it, we will manage the timing of the lights, we will be responsible for everything you would normally think of for a city road.”

Ind. 37 will go back under state control after the project is complete, but local control during construction will allow residents and business owners to work directly with local elected officials to solve any issues they may face related to the construction process.

“I don’t want anyone to leave here thinking that we’re not sensitive to the fact that this is a significant construction project and it could cause pain, will cause pain to the residents and business owners along [Ind.] 37 and that’s why we fought so hard for local control, so that they know who to call,” Fadness said. “They know they can call the mayor, the can call one of the council members here, they can call our local engineering department and we’re not going to refer them to the state of Indiana. Were going to say this is our issue, we’re going to deal with it … We have the opportunity to mitigate the impact on our residents and our business owners and that was taken very seriously and we’re going to be very aggressive about it.”


Fishers council unanimously supports State Road 37 plan

A proposed rendering of a roundabout overlay at the intersection of 141st and Ind. 37. (Submitted rendering)
A proposed rendering of a roundabout overlay at the intersection of 141st and Ind. 37. (Submitted rendering)

By Sam Elliott

The Fishers City Council unanimously supported the proposed road transfer and interlocal agreements between the City of Fishers, the City of Noblesville, Hamilton Co. and the Indiana Department of Transportation following a presentation on the plan for State Road 37 improvements by mayor Scott Fadness at the Dec. 21 council meeting.

The plan, first announced Dec. 10, will see Fishers and Hamilton Co. each pay $12 million and the state pay $100 million to convert intersections into roundabout overpasses above State Road 37 between 126th Street and 146th Street.

“I think one of the attractive parts of this for the governor’s office was local participation,” Fadness said. “The City of Fishers and the county and the City of Noblesville are going to participate in this project on a unified front.”

The approved agreements between the entities will see control of the proposed stretch of Ind. 37 given from the state to Fishers during construction.

“We know we have a lot of valuable businesses and a lot of great neighborhoods along this corridor and we understand construction can be a difficult time for anyone,” Fadness said. “Within this document, what is unique and really collaborative is… basically the state of Indiana, the department of transportation and the governor’s office is going to relinquish the road, State Road 37 from 126th through 146th Street, to the City of Fishers.”

Ind. 37 will go back under state control after the project is complete, but local control during construction will allow residents and business owners to work directly with local elected officials to solve any issues they may face related to the construction process.

“I don’t want anyone to leave here thinking that we’re not sensitive to the fact that this is a significant construction project and it could cause pain, will cause pain to the residents and business owners along [Ind.] 37 and that’s why we fought so hard for local control, so that they know who to call,” Fadness said. “They know they can call the mayor, the can call one of the council members here, they can call our local engineering department and we’re not going to refer them to the state of Indiana. Were going to say this is our issue, we’re going to deal with it … We have the opportunity to mitigate the impact on our residents and our business owners and that was taken very seriously and we’re going to be very aggressive about it.”
