Summer reading program now open


By Anna Skinner


The Westfield Washington Public Library summer reading program launched last week, and with the bicentennial, there are a few new activities.

“On Your Mark, Get Set, … Read!” has multiple age levels – preschool, school age, extreme school age, teen and adult. Different requirements are needed for each age group.

Brittany Bush, teen librarian, said the program can be great for kids on break from school.

“They can attend fun programs and earn incentive prizes just for reading. That’s something to do over the summer,” she said. “It can help with that summer slump between the end of the school year and the beginning of next year and keep their minds active.”

Children count time spent reading to apply for prizes and teens and adults count books read. A list of sponsors detailing where the prizes came from is available on the library website.

“We don’t require they have a library card, and we will be participating in a county-wide program, an extra thing along with the bicentennial,” Bush said. “It is a thing where they can visit the local historical places in Hamilton County. We are partnering with other libraries in the county to do something to celebrate the bicentennial.”

Participating libraries include WWPL, Carmel Clay Public Library, Hamilton East Public Library, Hamilton North Public Library and Sheridan Public Library. A list of locations to visit will be at each library. Stamps are collected for each place visited over the summer, and a prize is given for visiting all. All ages can participate.

“It’s an opportunity to get to know not just Westfield and what’s special about it, but other communities as well,” Bush said.

The summer reading program ends July 31. To sign up or learn more, visit
