Student profile: Lexie Skelton


By Taylor Carter

Current in Westfield is highlighting Westfield High School graduates. To submit someone for this feature, email ideas to Editor Anna Skinner at [email protected].

CIW COM 0404 Studentprofile

Lexie Skelton graduated from Westfield High School in 2014. She is currently a student at University of Southern Indiana.

Q: Did you have a favorite class or subject in high school?

I enjoyed a lot of my science classes. I really liked Zoology with Mr. Compton, Anatomy and Physiology, and all of my AP Science classes. I loved these classes the most because of the teachers.

Q: Do you remember your most influential high school class or teacher?

It’s really a pretty big tie. Mr. Rauch, Mrs. McQueen and Mrs. Hasler-Troutman were so much more than teachers. They were caregivers, supporters and friends, and I’m still in contact with some today. They just made me feel important and like I could do things that had they not been supporting me, I wouldn’t be able to do. They were just some of the greatest people I’ve met in my life.

Q: What were you involved in during high school?

The biggest thing I was involved in was the Fellowship of Christian Athletes that Mr. Gilbert helps run. I was also involved in Student Impact which is kind of separate from school, but we met at school about once a month.

Q: What do you miss about high school?

What I miss the most is the community I built and the people I was involved with. Through being involved in those organizations, serving and volunteering, it definitely helped me understand who I was.

Q: Did you join any organizations or school activities in college?

Yes, I am part of Ambassadors here at USI which is a group that gives tours and welcomes new students. I also helped start an organization called Timmy Global Health on campus last spring where we set up a partner clinic in a third-world country to provide services to the community. We send students to the country to serve in the clinic throughout the year.

Q: What is your major?

I am majoring in Biology and Pre-Med as well as a Spanish major with a minor in Health Administration.

Q: What’s your dream job?

I would like to be a pediatric surgeon, and I’d like to do some part-time mission work in Nicaragua.

Q: What are you up to now?

I took pride in high school being actively involved, so I try to do the same here. I help with my church’s youth group on Sundays, and I obviously like to spend time with my friends.
