Fishers High School grad now training U.S. Navy sailors


A 2016 Fishers High School graduate is now training sailors for service deep under the water.

According to a news release from the U.S. Navy, Petty Officer 2nd Class Wesley Ballensky is an instructor at the Navy Submarine School, teaching sailors skills to operate aboard submarines so they can successfully complete missions around the world.

Wesley Ballensky

“I joined the Navy because I didn’t want to go to college,” Ballensky said. “I wanted a more unique experience.”

He stated that values in Fishers are similar to those required to succeed in the military.

“I learned in my hometown to always chase after my goals, regardless of what anyone else thinks,” Ballensky stated. “I also learned that the best way to break through roadblocks is to just go through them.”

The Navy’s submarine force operates a large fleet of technically advanced vessels. According to the announcement, the submarines can conduct rapid defensive and offensive operations around the world. With 90 percent of global commerce traveling by sea and access to the internet relying on the security of undersea fiber-optic cables, Navy officials emphasize that the prosperity of the United States is directly linked to trained sailors and a strong Navy.

Ballensky and sailors he serves with have many opportunities to achieve accomplishments during their military service, according to the news release.

“My proudest accomplishment in the Navy is when I earned my ‘dolphins.’ or submarine warfare. device, because it was the culmination of years of hard work,” Ballensky stated. “Serving in the Navy means being a part of something bigger and carrying on the tradition of defending our freedoms as United States citizens.”

Ballensky stated that he is grateful to others for helping make his Navy career possible.

“I want to thank my mentors, Chief Fire Control Technical Watson and Chief Logistics Specialist (Submarines) Zapp, for going above and beyond and for showing me what a real leader looks like,” Ballensky stated.
