Hamilton Southeastern Schools name district Teacher of the Year


Hamilton Southeastern Schools recently named Fall Creek Junior High School teacher Aimee Bastin as the districtwide 2023-24 Teacher of the Year.

Bastin is a resource teacher and the Exceptional Learners Department Chair at Fall Creek Junior High, according to a district announcement. She has served nearly 30 years in public education.

“Ms. Bastin will do anything it takes to help students and works to ensure every child is receiving a world-class education,” FCJ Principal Michael Ryan stated.

Bastin also is credited with helping her colleagues by leading professional development and sharing the latest information on new accessibility tools and learning strategies for students, according to the announcement.

“I think of teaching like, if you want to go into sales and you want to be a good salesperson, you have to believe in the product,” Bastin stated. “And I believe in what we do here at HSE.”

In addition to receiving the HSE 2023-24 Teacher of the Year award, Bastin received a $500 prize from the Hamilton Southeastern Education Foundation. She also will move forward as the district’s nominee for the Indiana Department of Education’s Teacher of the Year competition.


Two other HSE Schools educators were celebrated for their contributions. For 2023-24, the elementary-level Teacher of the Year winner was Clarice Nolan of Sand Creek Elementary. Nolan is that school’s speech language pathologist.


Longtime science teacher Sarah Chattin of Hamilton Southeastern High School was named the high school-level Teacher of the Year.
