Zionsville deputy mayor resigns


Zionsville Deputy Mayor Kate Swanson has resigned her post, effective immediately.

Mayor John Stehr announced Swanson’s resignation June 20.

“Kate’s energy, intellect and passion for Zionsville have made her a tremendous partner in the first five months of my administration,” Stehr stated. “She has been instrumental in launching key initiatives like my Zionsville 2040 Vision, the South Village project and the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council.”

Stehr announced Swanson as his pick for Deputy Mayor in March 2023 while campaigning for the Republican nomination. 

Swanson chaired the mayor’s transition committee and took office as deputy mayor in January.

Prior to her service in Stehr’s administration, Swanson was the first executive director of zWORKS, Zionsville’s coworking and entrepreneurial center. She was also the first executive director of the Mitch Daniels Leadership Foundation, a nonprofit focused on lifting the arc of progress in Indiana. 

Swanson served as a director of the Zionsville Chamber of Commerce from 2018 to 2023 and as that organization’s president in 2020. In 2021, she helped launch the Chamber’s Advocacy Committee, which supports Zionsville interests with policymakers.

“Kate has left a meaningful impact on our community,” Stehr stated. “As she steps away to focus her attention on personal matters, I am grateful for her service and her friendship. I wish her and her family nothing but the absolute best.”
