HSE board hears from teachers’ supporters


The Hamilton Southeastern Schools Board of Trustees’ July 11 meeting was standing-room-only, with most of the audience members wearing red T-shirts showing their support for the Hamilton Southeastern Education Association. 

HSEA recently filed an unfair labor complaint against the school district, focusing primarily on the actions of Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Brian Murphy. The complaint, filed with the Indiana Education Employment Relations board, will have a prehearing conference July 23. 

Although the July 11 board meeting room was packed, only three people spoke during public comment. The first was Sarah Renfro, a minister with Geist Christian Church. She said she and her family moved to the area nine years ago.

“As the church is located in both Indianapolis and Fishers, we could have chosen to live anywhere,” she said. “We moved to Hamilton Southeastern School District for the schools. Our daughter has had only great teachers who take their vocation, their calling, seriously. Their focus has been solely on their students’ success, which reaches beyond test scores.”

Renfro said she “will not stand by as teachers are disrespected, dismissed and silenced. I will do everything I can to support teachers. I pray the same for you.”

Stephanie Hunt addressed district spending for legal representation and speculated that the expenses are related to the HSEA complaint. 

“The behaviors and approach this board has allowed and encouraged from this administration are costing us thousands of dollars and potentially even more exceptional educators,” she said. “Stop fighting our teachers. Treat them with respect. Stop spending legal fees for a problem you are creating and continue pushing.”

A list of expenses approved by the board that night included three line items for Barnes & Thornburg — about $3,500 for a “legal matter,” $5,000 for “general labor” and $10,000 for “board counsel.” The previous two months show comparable payments to that law firm, a monthly $10,000 retainer and a $5,000 additional “professional services” expense in May.

HSEA President Abby Taylor also addressed the district’s legal fees. 

“Instead of working with HSEA to solve issues impacting our schools, the school district escalated to involve the district’s high-priced attorneys, only increasing the spending on legal fees while diverting money from the classroom,” she said. “To not work with HSEA to come to a resolution prior to legal action is neither fiscally conservative nor responsible.”

The board and administration did not respond to the comments. 

In other matters, the board approved one-year extensions for school nurse and sports medicine contracts with Community Health; and new elementary science textbooks and materials from McGraw Hill. 

The board was split 4-3 on a vote to approve amendments to the student handbook, with Suzanne Thomas, Sarah Donsbach and Sarah Parks-Reese voting no. The three objected to a change in the process for student-athletes to appeal suspensions from participating in sports, primarily because the new language was provided to the board the same day as the board meeting. 

Thomas said she needed more time and attempted through two motions to separate that section for later consideration. Her motions failed, with Donsbach and Parks-Reese joining her in each vote.

The handbook also included changes to the district’s policy regarding cellphone use in the classroom to align with new state regulations that prohibit cellphone use unless it is for instructional purposes. 

HSE’s policies around cellphone use in schools already had mostly matched the new state guidelines, so the language changes were minor. The adjustments added smartwatches and “other wireless” devices to the list of items that must not be used during the school day; and clarified that students can use electronic devices for emergencies, health care management or as part of an Individualized Education Plan.

The HSE Board of Trustees’ July 24 meeting was canceled. The next meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Aug. 14 at the district’s central office, 13485 Cumberland Rd. Meetings also are livestreamed on the board’s webpage, hseschools.org/board/board-of-school-trustees.
