Westfield invests in workforce analysis


Westfield’s Board of Public Works and Safety approved a service agreement in June between the city and Bridge Builder Strategies LLC, an Indianapolis-based firm that assists governmental bodies to improve efficiency and effectiveness in how they operate.

The one-year process will include a strategic analysis of the city’s workforce, systems and processes across all 14 departments, followed by an aligned design, creation/update and roll-out of job descriptions, competency models, performance measures, processes, policies and procedures.

Deputy Mayor Danielle Carey-Tolan said the agreement will allow Bridge Builder Strategies to assist the city with standardizing a catalog of city policies as well as identify gaps to be corrected.

“This is part of the transition plan that was laid out in Mayor (Scott) Willis’ administration coming into office and creating an environment to improve efficiencies, standard operating procedures and understand job descriptions,” Carey-Tolan said. “(Bridge Builder Strategies) will sit with every department and director to understand how policies and procedures work and what kind of workflow there is to see if we need to streamline things, outsource different processes and look at new systems. We’ll also look at our organizational chart.”

Carey-Tolan said the agreement will assist the city as Willis’ administration develops new core values for staff.

“This will align with our core values and really enterprise our operating system across the organization,” she said.

The contract totals $530,300, with $150,000 payable in 2024 and the remaining $380,300 due in 2025. Those funds were appropriated by the Westfield City Council earlier this year.

The agreement went into effect July 1.
