Fishers Arts Council gallery features Hamilton County artists


Fishers Arts Council’s July exhibit, “All Our Best,” featuring work by artists of the Hamilton County Artists Association, is on display through Aug. 2 at the FAC’s gallery space at the newly opened Fishers Art and Municipal Center, 1 Municipal Dr.

The Hamilton County Artists’ Association has more than 50 local artists who have been juried into the nonprofit organization, according to a FAC news release, as well as supporting members from across Indiana.

Sixty paintings by its members are on display in the “All Our Best” exhibit in the Art Gallery at City Hall, according to a FAC news release. The gallery is open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

“Fishers Arts Council is so elated to be back home inside Fishers City Hall,” stated Les Reinhardt, executive director of the Fishers Arts Council. “After a decade of curating exhibits in the Town Hall, turned City Hall, it was bittersweet to move out in 2022 in preparation for construction. The city has made this homecoming a wonderful experience; the gallery and theater spaces will truly make guests to our monthly receptions feel welcome.”

The Fishers Arts Council also will continue to curate displays at the FAC Hub Gallery at the Hamilton County Community Foundation, 11810 Technology Drive, according to the news release.

The City of Fishers’ new building also has ground-floor space managed by the Indy Art Center — called the Fishers Art Center — with “Balderdash,” an exhibit of artwork by Kurt Vonnegut, on display.
