Resource fair offers assistance for veterans, families


The Hamilton County Veterans Corporation assists military veterans in need. In July, the organization hosted a resource fair at the Noblesville Schools’ Community Center in Noblesville, providing vital information to those veterans and their families.

“We’re here to bring resources to one place that our military veteran community can come to and get the help that they need, instead of looking and searching for whatever issues they have the answers to,” said Bill Doss, secretary of the Hamilton County Veterans Corp.

The event featured 78 resource tables, including veterans organizations, health and wellness organizations, educational services, businesses, nonprofits and local, county, state and federal elected leaders.

“We’re bringing the resources to one place, we can amplify them to reach the veteran who is not connected, the ones who aren’t talking to anyone else,” Doss said. “They don’t go to (veterans organizations) and they don’t have knowledge about what is going on at the VA. Those veterans who aren’t connected, those are the ones who are in the darker place. To reach them, we need to invite the community.”

Doss said the resource fair is designed for veterans, but also serves anyone in Hamilton County. The organization will move the fair to the Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds for two events in spring and fall 2025.

The Hamilton County Veterans Corps also partners with the Indiana Governor’s Challenge to Prevent Suicide Among Service Members, Veterans and their Families. Doss said the organization hopes to get more community involvement.

“We are all trying to bring resources to people, but we still need to reach the public to let them know what is happening with these different coalitions and different groups that we work with,” Doss said.

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