Westfield seeks artists for bench project


The City of Westfield has put out an open call to local artists to design and paint original artwork on benches to be placed in high traffic areas, including along local trails and in city parks.

The project seeks “eye-popping artwork designed with the city’s park and trail system in mind, with the intention of paying homage to the city’s heritage,” according to a news release. The project includes design, painting and sealing on a concrete bench.

Applicants are encouraged to use Westfield’s history, signature events and physical environment as inspiration.

Eligible artists must be 18 or older; be willing to meet all contractual obligations and adhere to a strict budget and timeline; and submit proof of appropriate liability insurance for the duration of the project.

Chosen artists will receive a $1,000 commission per bench.

Representatives from the City of Westfield will review submitted qualifications and select designs to be painted. Finalists will be chosen based on technical ability and artistic quality.

Submissions should include the artist’s resume; a cover letter/statement of interest that includes the artist’s connection to Westfield; a concept design; and examples of artwork.

The submission deadline is Aug. 30.

Submissions may be emailed communications director Kayla Arnold at [email protected]; shared via Dropbox; or hand-delivered to the City Service Center, 2728 E. 171st St. Mailed or delivered submissions must be loaded on a single USB drive. CDs, DVDs, or printed items will not be accepted.

The selection committee will choose designs no later than Sept. 6, with installation anticipated for early- to mid-October.

View the full list of submission requirements at tinyurl.com/4emby3hk.
