Ghost tours reveal stories of Indiana’s past


Unseen Press is a tourism company in Westfield that leads ghost tours through historic parts of Indiana, entertaining and educating participants about the history and folklore of the Hoosier state.

Unseen Press recently gave a tour in Westfield and discussed the city’s history and founding, its town hall and old buildings and its “haunted” history.

Unseen Press Co-owner Micheal Kobrowski answered the following questions about the business.

Why do ghost walks?

We thought it’s a great way to explore the places. We always like to have six to eight stops on the tour to have small, short stories on each place. Sometimes the stories get longer. We thought it was a great format.

How do you choose the locations?

Westfield we chose because, of course, we live here. We got stories from friends and businesses we’ve visited. We just look for stories, look for the history of buildings, too.

What is to be expected from the walks?

Our ghost walks last about an hour and 45 minutes to two hours depending. We walk about a mile, which means we stop quite a bit to tell the stories and then we walk to our next stop. We talk about the area; we talk about the history of the buildings that we visit.

Have there been any crazy encounters recently?

Our Noblesville ghost walk we added on. There, we are able to go into one part of the Lacy (arts) building. We’re friendly with the owners, and they let us go in there if we can, when available. We investigated a few times, and one of the things that happened there that we heard and have a recording of was a banshee. My wife and I went to visit the place to check if the key works in the other door, and we heard it again. When you hear the scream, you’ll know.

How much do people capture in the hour-two-hour walk?

It varies. We can’t make them (the ghost) do party tricks. We always say the ghosts do what they want. Sometimes they show up, sometimes they don’t. People have gotten pictures that they couldn’t explain what it was, especially at the cemetery. People have been touched and scratched.

During those ghost walks, are there times when people’s (skeptics) mind change?

We almost every time start our tour with asking people how many of you are totally into ghosts, who’s a skeptic, who’s just along for the ride. We don’t do these tours to convince people into believing in the paranormal. We hope that people who aren’t really into the paranormal still come because we talk about history as well.

To book a tour, visit
