Audit begins at Zionsville Town Hall


An audit of Zionsville’s past finances is underway.

“Part of our journey in getting our financial house in order includes the State Board of Accounts audit for previous years, in this case 2022 and 2023,” Mayor John Stehr said. “This process is underway. SBOA auditors began (Aug. 12) and the process will now include entrance interviews with relevant parties.”

Stehr said previously he wants to reclaim the AA+ credit rating that the town lost in 2022, after an audit by the state of the 2021 calendar year found several areas of noncompliance with state law, including a lack of proper internal controls and disbursements made without approval of the town council.

Those irregularities were blamed on software issues.

“Due to poor performance of our software and other operational issues, we expect the audits will show some imbalances for 2022 and for part of 2023 before we changed our software provider,” he said.

Elected and appointed city officials will be interviewed during the process. Stehr said it can takes to months to complete.

View Zionsville’s financial policies at
