Meet the District 29 candidates


Republican Alaina Shonkwiler and Democrat Christopher Hartig are running for the Indiana House of Representatives District 29 seat in the Nov. 5 election.

The candidates answered the following questions from Current.

Why do you want to run for this office?

Shonkwiler: I’ve built my life in service to my community, and I’m proud to call Noblesville home. I’m a passionate conservative, and I’m running for state representative because our families deserve elected officials who share their values and are always willing to fight for what’s right.

Hartig: I’m running because our leaders are out of touch with the people they represent. A supermajority silences diverse perspectives — threatening democracy. I’m committed to restoring balance, ensuring every Hoosier is heard and building a more respectful, representative Indiana.

What sets you apart from your opponent?

Shonkwiler: Throughout my life, I’ve been lucky to have had incredible opportunities that provided me experience at all levels of government. I’ve worked on workforce development initiatives, in the private sector, in our schools and in numerous leadership roles with nonprofit and civic organizations. I have the experience and am ready to lead.

Hartig: What sets me apart is my commitment to transparency. My platform and voting positions are openly available online — ensuring accountability. I’m guided by what’s best for our community, free from special interests and offering a clear, accessible vision for our district — one that you can review and hold me accountable for.

What top three issues are your campaign focused on?

Shonkwiler: As I speak with neighbors, I often hear about rising inflation and property taxes, healthcare costs and safe streets. I’m a proud low-tax conservative, and will work to alleviate the pain inflation is causing by weak federal policies, and find permanent solutions to rising property taxes and health care costs. And as a police wife, I’ll always back the blue.

Hartig: My campaign focuses on supporting public education, breaking the legislative supermajority and protecting personal freedoms, including reproductive rights. Passing referendums and ballot initiatives is also crucial to my platform. Together, we can create a better future for Indiana through voter-driven change.

Rising assessed values are quickly increasing property tax bills, making it more unaffordable to move here (or stay here). How do you plan to address this?

Shonkwiler: Market-driven increases in assessed values led to higher property taxes in 2022 and 2023. To alleviate this, I support tools like the Homestead exemption and measures to support a low tax environment. I’ll champion property tax relief, build on tax reforms and work with local officials to ensure affordable homeownership and earned equity.

Hartig: Rising property values are straining homeowners, making it harder for families to stay in their homes. I support targeted tax relief, fair and transparent assessments, and smart growth policies to keep our community affordable. My focus is on protecting homeowners while ensuring sustainable development and maintaining our community’s vibrancy.

Health care costs continue to rise sharply in Indiana. How would you propose reining them in?

Shonkwiler: We must begin to reign in health care costs by getting back to the basics and remembering health care is about people and patients. I will support policies that increase pricing transparency and enhance consumer choices. We must reevaluate our hospital system and insurance systems to always ensure people come first.

Hartig: Rising health care costs in Indiana demand urgent attention. We must tackle provider monopolization, increase pricing transparency and attract doctors by supporting personal rights. Additionally, addressing high infant and maternal mortality rates and expanding preventive care will improve health outcomes and reduce costs, ensuring affordable, quality care for all Hoosiers.

Half of the state’s budget pays for education, and we’re seeing the impact of learning loss suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic in student assessment scores and anecdotally. How can the legislature address this issue without increasing education funding?

Shonkwiler: Facing learning loss and assessment scores, addressing the issue doesn’t necessarily demand increased education funding. Recognizing the 12-year journey through K-12, we need stability in metrics and a strategic reallocation of resources from ineffective programs. Prioritizing support for educators, both in our public, private and charter systems, is crucial. These professionals are essential in successfully elevating reading comprehension levels for our students.

Hartig: Investing in universal pre-K is key to student success and economic growth. Early education boosts proficiency, closes achievement gaps and supports working families. In Noblesville, strong educational foundations have proven beneficial. I’m committed to expanding access to Pre-K, addressing the child care crisis and ensuring long-term success for students and our economy.

We live in an increasingly polarized and politically divided state and nation. How will you work to lead and better all Hoosiers – whether they support you or not?

Shonkwiler: By focusing on our shared values, including safe communities, economic opportunity and quality education, we can transcend the political divide. My goal is to build bridges, and to lead with empathy and integrity, ensuring every Hoosier is represented and valued. My commitment is to serve all constituents with fairness and respect.

Hartig: I’m running to restore civility to politics. We’ve lost the ability to have meaningful, respectful conversations across differences. Effective governance requires listening, collaboration and focusing on solutions, not scoring points.

What do you most want voters to know about you?

Shonkwiler: I want people to know I’m just an average Noblesville mom and wife; I care that my kids get a quality education and have opportunities to thrive in a vibrant and safe community. I’m just like you — and I’m fighting for the values we share. I would be honored to earn your vote.

Hartig: I aim to change the tone, embrace dialogue and work toward real progress for Noblesville and its future.
