Zionsville issues last call for community participation in comprehensive plan


A series of public meetings regarding Zionsville’s effort to update its comprehensive plan is complete. Now, town officials are urging residents to fill out an online survey to help shape the future of the town.

zionsville comp plan info table
Residents visit the comprehensive plan information table during Fall Fest. (Photo by Marney Simon)

Mayor John Stehr gave an update of the comprehensive planning process to the Zionsville Town Council Sept. 3.

“Participation has been very strong, especially in the old Perry Township where there was standing room only (at the community meeting in August),” Stehr said. “The consultants are making a final push for people to fill out the online survey, after which we will put together a report on the public participation in the process. We hope to do a round of stakeholder meetings for the middle of this month and an initial report on the data collected is due by the end of September.”

The steering committee is expected to meet Sept. 18.

The comprehensive plan is being created by HWC Engineering, with participation from elected and appointed town officials, residents, businesses owners, civic groups and other community stakeholders. It will replace the town’s current plan, which was developed in 2003 prior to the inclusion of Perry and Union townships within Zionsville’s borders.

Once the community engagement effort is complete, HWC and the steering committee will develop initial recommendations for the comprehensive plan, an economic plan and a transportation plan. A series of open houses will be held prior to the creation of a draft document.

The process is expected to take 18 months to complete.

Residents can complete the online survey at uniquelyzionsville.com.
