Lawrence mayor presents 2025 budget


City of Lawrence Deb Whitfield presented her proposed 2025 municipal budget Sept. 18, with estimated general fund expenses at about $28 million, an increase of about $450,000 over 2024.

CIG COM 0221 Whitfield Mayor head shot

Whitfield and Controller Humphrey Nagila presented the budget to the Lawrence Common Council for review. The council is scheduled to vote on the proposed spending plan in mid-October.

About 75 percent of the 2025 general fund would go toward public safety expenses, although that’s a $430,000 decrease compared to 2024. Nagila told the council that some capital expenses previously paid through the general fund, such as public safety vehicles, were shifted to general obligation bonds.

Other proposed 2025 expenses include:

  • Mayor’s office, up by $632,000
  • Parks Department, up by $446,000
  • Trash collection, up about $27,000 from 2024
  • Public Works, down by $194,000
  • Common Council, down by $26,000
  • City Clerk, down by $2,000

Whitfield told the council that the budget includes 3 percent salary increases for city employees.

“The Whitfield administration is a bipartisan group of talented people, some new to Lawrence, some with decades of experience and institutional knowledge, who show up every day to make this city a better place for their neighbors,” she said, noting that the pay raises are meant to help retain those people. “As you review this balanced budget proposal, I hope that you’ll see what I see — a view of the City of Lawrence as a community of opportunity for all, a community that draws strength from its diversity and take pride and care for one another, no matter our differences.”

City revenue comes primarily from property and income taxes, along with charges for fees and services. The proposed budget shows an approximately $1 million increase in local tax revenue over 2024

The council referred the proposed budget to the Committee of the Whole for review. A committee meeting has not yet been scheduled.

For a detailed look at the mayor’s 2025 budget, visit
