Letter: Fields are more than open grass



It is probably stupid to get attached to a piece of land that has nothing more than the soccer goals, a barn in the corner, and half the grass that a soccer field needs. But after playing soccer at Habig for eight years, I’ll honestly miss it. I’ve met so many great people I’ll never forget, it’s crazy. And I made some of my best friends on those sidelines. It may not look gorgeous, but look a little deeper and you will see the memories I do. In the corner by the baseball fields there is a small stream surrounded by little trees that split into 3 tiny waterfalls. On those fields it didn’t matter what clothes we wore or who our friends were. We could just be ourselves and have fun. So, when soccer moves to Shamrock Springs Field this spring, I’ll honestly miss Habig more than I should, because those fields are a part of of who I am. And that will never change.

Haley Phemister

