Common council addresses Keystone speed limits


The City of Carmel Common Council met Dec. 6 with a full agenda, notably including tax abatements for new business, and the normalization of speed limits on Keystone Avenue.

After receiving updates from committee leaders, the council moved to open a public hearing on a proposed tax abatement for KAR Auction Services, Inc. According to Councilwoman Lucy Snyder, who sponsored the resolution, the abatements would remove taxes on telecommunications equipment for the business, which purportedly plans to bring nearly 250 new jobs to the Carmel area. Councilman John Accetturo was in agreement with Snyder’s proposal.

“In order for our city to be competitive, we must continue to use these tax abatements to attract jobs,” Accetturo said.

The council also heard a first reading for an ordinance to set the speed limit to 50 mph for Keystone Avenue from 96th St. to 146th St. The ordinance was intended to amend an earlier version, which had allowed for discrepancies on Keystone. With unanimous support, the council moved to suspend the rules and vote on the ordinance immediately. It was approved with no dissenting votes.

For complete coverage of the meeting of the common council, please see the article in the Dec. 14 edition of the Current in Carmel.
