The 60-day challenge


Commentary by Sally Brown Bassett, Ph.D.

The day after I submitted my last article called “You are what you eat, do and think,” I got on the scales and felt like such a hypocrite.  The scale was five pounds heavier than normal due to summer picnics, birthday celebrations, and a little more bread than usual.  Overall, my weight is seven pounds more than I would like it to be so it’s time for the big D word.   If you are thinking of the word diet (ugh!), it takes more than that to lose weight.

It’s time to bring in the bigger D word.  Discipline.  Think about it. That is what it is going to take.  Are you up for a 60-day challenge?  Here is what is suggested:

  • Are you at your ideal weight?  If not, how many pounds would you like to lose, realistically, in the next 60 days?
  • Make a list of 10 things that you will commit to do to lose weight that would include giving up certain foods, adding more physical activity to your day, implementing portion control, trying healthy substitutes, writing down what you are eating so you are aware of how much you do eat, and anything else that might work for you.

The worst thing is skipping a meal.  You will end up overeating later, and may not choose the most healthy foods.  Being conscious of eating certain amounts of fruits, vegetables, and protein each day is better than winging it.

If you are a big soda drinker, you might see weight drop faster than you think by eliminating soda or a similar habit the next two months.

Start by getting rid of all temptations in the house. You know what they are!  Put them on your list to eliminate during the challenge.  For me, it is going to be peanut butter and the dark chocolate chips that I love smearing on a banana and eating.  Okay, so that sounds healthy enough, but I think it has added to the weight this summer…sometimes I eat two.

Add healthier habits to your diet.  The best way I can start out a day is juicing.  It is easy and so healthy for you.  All you need is a good blender.   Keep a variety of fruits and vegetables on hand and just add whatever sounds good to you.   One of my favorite morning juices includes blueberries (lots of blueberries…great antioxidants), soy or almond milk, banana, apple, a little ginger, and maybe some flaxseed oil or whey powder.  A mid-day juice will really help get the vegetables you need for the day.  Add a little of everything in the blender such as spinach, a few slices of cucumber, carrots, celery, beets, ginger, broccoli, and orange juice as a base.

As we all know, it will take more than diet to not only lose weight but to maintain it.  Our 60-day challenge is going to be during two of the most beautiful months of the year.  Get out and walk.  Push yourself a little more on the cardio.  Power yoga here I come.

So make your list today and let’s start the challenge!  Until next time…

