Mistake was just that


The problem with living in the same community you cover – especially after a long period of time – is that occasionally you have to report on matters you wish you didn’t. Such an incident recently occurred with Noblesville High School boys basketball coach Dave McCollough.

To be fair, I have known Coach McCollough since my freshman year at NHS. He was my physical education teacher in 1995-96. I was involved in the boys and girls NHS basketball programs my sophomore, junior and senior years as a game filmer, student trainer and fan. I’ve traveled with the teams, been in the locker rooms and stayed long after practices for years. After college, I’ve covered McCollough and his teams for years taking photos for the newspaper.

Have I seen coach get upset before? Yes. Have I seen him fired up because a call was made or not made or at a player that wasn’t doing what they were taught or instructed to do in a timeout? Absolutely. Have I ever seen him get physical before? NO! Consulting a player or teaching a proper stance or shooting motion is the only thing I’ve observed.

I’ve known McCollough to be an outstanding teacher, father and leader of boys to men – oh, and one helluva coach. Can you recall a Noblesville basketball player who ever got in trouble or caused embarrassment to the school or program? You know they are afraid to embarrass their parents and coach.

Unfortunately this mistake will give the same people who sent unanimous mailers last year more fuel. I take it at face value – a mistake made in the heat of practice. Did McCollough throw a chair at someone, strike a player or get in a teenager’s face and curse them up and down?

McCollough is respected by his peers, former players and parents and has built a basketball program in the city. I don’t think he should get a pass, but let’s not forget everything he’s done in the wake of this mistake.
