Letter: We need to stop taking the coyotes’ land



After reading “Are Carmel’s coyotes cause for concern?” I developed a strong opinion about the topic. I think that we should not kill or try to relocate our town’s coyotes. The coyote is an important part of the food chain. If we drive out the coyotes, the deer and rabbits and small rodents will thrive, eating much of Carmel’s natural wildlife. This would disrupt the food chain even more as animals would eventually have to fight for survival. We need to stop building new developments. As humans we have been taking their land. When we think they are “invading,” they are really just the land we took from them and their old supplies. Much like the Yellowstone wolves in the 1990s, as well as the Native Americans in the 1700s, we have been forcing them from their land, not vice-versa. Why should this issue be judged any differently? Would we as a societ really act so lowly as to kill something that we have always lived in harmony with just because they agitate and annoy us? No! Is it right to hurt something you provoke? Coyotes should not be killed, they should instead be respected as creatures, and not killed or relocated.

Erin O., 46032
