Letter: Reorg bad for taxpayers, town identity



The Zionsville-Perry Township reorganization that has been passed by the Town Council and will appear on the November ballot is not good for Zionsville taxpayers or the town’s identity.

It is a poor fit for taxpayers because the provision of services will be inefficient.  Essentially Zionsville will be providing fire protection for two dis-contiguous areas. When Perry becomes urbanized, our police will have to provide police protection for two separate areas.  Over the long-term, this could pit the two areas against each other as each argues whether it is receiving its fair share of services.

It is not good for our community’s identity to be composed of two dis-contiguous areas because, in effect there will be, informally, two different “Zionsvilles.” It is also bad for our identity because the sole reason Perry residents want to become part of Zionsville is to avoid becoming part of Whitestown. I am not keen on Perry residents serving on our boards when they are more interested in avoiding Whitestown than they are of embracing and furthering Zionsville.

Jay Neel, 46077 
