Brooks’ concern for veterans just a soundbite



I was wounded in Vietnam combat. I’ve used the VA’s services and found them to be as good as the private sector, which is a great compliment since U.S. Rep. Susan Brooks won’t adequately fund the VA. The VA was underfunded before “W” Bush slashed its budget while sending more people to war. The VA can’t keep good doctors and appointment times because Brooks and her colleagues pass meaningless bills and resolutions which only add to the VA’s financial problems. If she cares about veterans, why did she vote against the jobs bill for veterans? Brooks sends out flyers at taxpayer expense bragging about how many times she voted against the Affordable Care Act – she considers that doing something? She jumps on any bandwagon for political gain while doing almost nothing for anyone but her wealthy sponsors. Brooks votes for every bill which sends more money to war and more money to spy on us here at home. Her interest in veterans will pass soon now that she’s had her sound bite.

Michael Warner, 46033
