Column: The tree: finding balance, focus

Yoga teacher Sally Bassett strikes the tree pose. (Submitted photo)
Yoga teacher Sally Bassett strikes the tree pose. (Submitted photo)

Commentary by Sally Brown Bassett

It is important as you get older that we continue to find ways to strengthen your sense of balance. There is no other yoga pose better to have fun playing to master it than The Tree. You can do this at the kitchen counter looking out the window. To do any balance pose, you need to fix your eyes on something and continue the focus throughout the duration of holding it. It is recommended to breathe steady for five to ten breaths once you are in the pose.

Start by standing tall with feet grounded into the earth about hips distance a part. You can use the wall for support … or the kitchen counter. Open the right need out to the side. Place the foot of the right leg on the inside of the left leg either above or below the knee (not on the knee). Try to keep the hips level and pelvic neutral. Now lift the arms above your head in a clasp position or in a big V. Your head is level and your breath is steady. Release slowly and do the other leg.

The Tree or in Sanskrit, Vrksasana, is a pose that also tones the leg muscles and strengthens the core. It gives one a sense of balance and focuses the mind. The lower body provides the support for the upper body as the body stands with grace and strength. Won’t you be a tree today?

Until next week…



Dr. Sally Brown Bassett is a yogi, social entrepreneur and world traveler. She is president of Peace through Yoga Foundation. Sally teaches at the Peace through Yoga studios as well as Butler University. She can be reached at [email protected].
