Zionsville Little League is asking for volunteers


Board elections are Sept. 8

The Zionsville Little League Board of Directors is comprised of volunteers who strive to create a fun and competitive baseball and softball experience for children in Zionsville. Each September, a new Board of Directors is elected. This year the Board elections will take place on Monday September 8th at 7:00 pm at the Lions’ Club clubhouse on Elm Street.

Any person who served as a volunteer during the 2014 season may vote in the elections or be nominated to serve on the Board.  Eligible volunteer roles include team manager, team parent, assistant coach, field maintenance, etc.  You may nominate yourself for a Board position, or another eligible voter may nominate you.

There are 20 Board positions, and all are open for election each year.

For a description of the Board positions, visit http://zionsvillelittleleague.org/about/board/board-duties/

 Fall Softball academy with ZCHS coaches

ZCHS softball coach Lori Esparza and her staff will be conducting a softball academy this fall for players interested in advancing their skills.  The sessions will be held on Sunday afternoons in September, October, and November.

More information and a link for registration can be found at http://programs.zionsvilleeaglerec.com/softball-academy.cfm

 Butler clinics

Zionsville Little League, together with Butler University Baseball coaches Andy Judkins and Chris Cleary, are proud to announce an exciting new opportunity for skill development during the 2014 ZLL Fall Ball season.

In just its second season, ZLL Fall Ball has received extensive positive feedback about providing opportunities for player development while also cultivating a positive competitive experience. As a Division I program and a member of the Big East Conference, Butler University baseball and its coaching staff are a great addition to the ZLL Fall Ball experience.

Details are as follows:

  • Butler Baseball hitting coach Andy Judkins and assistant coach Chris Cleary will lead the training sessions.
  • Four Friday nights. [Note time change for Friday Aug 22]
    • August 22: 6 pm to 7:30 pm
    • September 5: 6:30 to 8:00 pm [Postponed – new date and time to be announced]
    • September 26: 6:30 to 8:00 pm
    • October 10: 6:30 to 8:00 pm
  • Ages 7-13 broken into age-appropriate groups
  • Registration fee: $30 per session or $100 for the four-week package (players can participate in the skills and drills training even if they are not playing in the Fall Ball league).
  • This program is a separate program from our Fall Ball recreation league.  You do not have to participate in Fall Ball to participate in the Butler Clinics.
