Meet your teacher, Holly Wheeler


CIW-COM-Teacher Wheeler 10.28WEB

Grade/school: Tenth- and 11th-grade English at Westfield High School

Number of years teaching: 17

Background/schooling: Master’s in secondary education, Indiana University.

Why did you become a teacher? I’ve always been young at heart (probably too young) and I appreciate change, and teenagers are definitely dynamic. Also, I have always had a passion for reading, helping people and motivating people.

What goals do you have for your students? To find a love for reading and to find themselves challenged with reading difficult and different material than what they are used to.

What do you encourage parents to do at home to help their children strengthen particular skills? Read and have open discourse about anything and everything. Talk about current issues and teach your children how to self-advocate.

What is your television program? “Downton Abbey,” “Mad Men,” “The Office” and “Saturday Night Live.”

Who is your favorite musician or band? The Black Keys, Killers, The Avett Brothers and Bon Iver.

What’s something your students might not know about you? I ran a 50-mile race and that I enjoy learning from them more than they do from me!
