Column: Former Hollywood executive finds calling in Cambodia

Scott Neeson founded the Cambodian Children’s Fund. (Submitted photo)
Scott Neeson founded the Cambodian Children’s Fund. (Submitted photo)

Commentary by Dr. Sally Brown Bassett

“Have you seen extreme poverty?” was the first question Scott Neeson, former President of 20th Century Fox International, asked me upon arrival in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, a few years ago. My answer was yes, as after 10-plus years of doing humanitarian work around the world, I thought I had. Thirty minutes later I realized I was so wrong.

Scott took me to one of the largest dumps in the world, Steung Meanchey, where families were living and children were searching for food. I will never forget the smell as long as I live.

Scott had given up one of the most powerful positions in Hollywood after realizing producing films like Titanic, Star Wars and Brave Heart was not what he really wanted to do with his life. He gave up the life of luxury—boats, cars, and first class travel – to make a difference.

In 2004 Scott founded Cambodian Children’s Fund to provide education, health care, nutrition, safe shelter, and healing to vulnerable children. Today they care for more than 2,000 students.

It’s been a joy to have sponsored one of Scott’s girls the past six years. Sok Heng and I email often, so I continue to learn of Scott’s tremendous work. One person can make a difference! It makes sense that one of Scott’s favorite quotes is by Joseph Campbell, “Your life is the fruit of your own doing. You have no one to blame but yourself.” Some food for thought.

Dr. Sally Brown Bassett is a yogi, social entrepreneur and world traveler. She is the founder and president of Peace through Yoga Foundation, where she leads trips to Costa Rica several times a year and works at the foundations’ International Center for Peace. Sally teaches at Peace through Yoga and Butler University. She can be reached at [email protected].
