Zionsville Police on the lookout for seatbelt violations


By Anna Skinner

Residents in Zionsville and across the country can expect more police officers on patrol looking for seat belt violations. “Click It or Ticket,” a program funded through the National Highway Traffic Safety Association, will place more officers out on the streets May 18 to 31 to specifically search for seat belt violations.

Officers will also be checking to make sure children are safely buckled in to their car seats.

“Certainly safety is the key,” said Zionsville Police Department Capt. Robert Musgrave. “You’re 50 percent more likely to survive an accident with your seat belt on than with it off.”

ZPD receives nearly $1,600 from the Boone County Traffic Safety Partnership, which receives funds from the NHTSA and distributes them between ZPD, the Boone County Sheriff’s Office and the Lebanon Police Department.

“In addition to increased patrols and zero-tolerance enforcement, we really want to get the right information out to motorists,” BCSO deputy Ryan Musgrave stated in a press release. “There are too many false notions out there about seat belts.”

Most accidents take place at speeds of less than 40 miles per hour and within 25 miles of home.

“We just want people to be aware and more conscience. They may not be going very far, but they can still be involved in an accident,” Capt. Musgrave said. “We want them to be safe and wear their seat belts and make sure their children are properly buckled in. There are multiple things we gain from making stops of this nature.”

There is a car seat specialist available for appointments through the ZPD website for those who are uncertain about child safety in motor vehicles.

Learn more about “Click It or Ticket” at www.nhtsa.gov/nhtsa/ciot/index.html.
