Letter: Clinton a ‘champion for womens’ rights’



I am disappointed in your article on Page 20 of the July 26 issue of Current entitled, “Clinton lacking regard for women.” The only instance you refer to is the Benghazi strike and reiterate the “emotional” speech by Ms. Smith at the RNC. Throughout the past year and a half all I’ve heard from the tea partiers is nothing but negative about Hillary Clinton and Mr. Trump’s opponents and it turns me off. The Republicans wasted an excessive amount of tax money on an investigation of Hillary Clinton and found nothing they could prosecute her for. Since they didn’t get the desired results they wanted, they want to do it again.

I’m sure I won’t be able to hold my breath long enough for a negative article written about Mr. Donald Trump to appear in CURRENT.

The new governor nominee will lose and thanks to Mike Pence. He will be looked at as Pence’s partner in crime. No one liked what Pence did to the LGBT community except the religious zealots. No one liked how he treated Glenda Ritz, the new Superintendent of Education who beat out the favored son, Tony Bennett, who was crooked as the day is long. Pence decided that women are too stupid to know what is best for their own health care and OB/GYN care, so he has made it extremely difficult for women to have abortions. Thank the Lord a federal judge is reviewing his decision.

Hillary Clinton is not perfect, but her campaign has been much more positive toward the American people than Mr. Trump’s. She is a champion for womens’ rights and would do a much better job in the Oval Office than some TV personality with the most obnoxious, foul mouth hating person ever. Mr. Trump’s remarks against women and the Mexicans are inexcusable. If elected, I’ll start counting down the days it takes for Mr. Trump to bully the Mexicans into paying for and building that wall between the USA and Mexico (LOL).

I’m sure Hoosiers will vote for the party. A good example of that is Charlie White.

Stepheny Tays, Carmel
