100 vendors return for shopping, fun at MarketPlace

Kay Thompson
Kay Thompson

By Renee Larr

The MarketPlace will once again return for CarmelFest. There will be around 100 vendors representing nine states, and of those 100 about 30 percent are repeat vendors.

“It’s a collection of vendors some of whom sell items like home decor, jewelry, clothes, cosmetics. There is a wide variety of all kinds of things that are available. It’s basically a shopping area within the festival,” said MarketPlace Director Kay Thompson.

In addition to vendors selling their wares, there will be companies providing more information about what they do.

“There are a number of booths giving out information either about their organization or their company,” Thompson said.

The MarketPlace will be around Carmel Fountain. Additional vendor booths will be located on Gradle Drive (leading to the Fountain area) and in the CarmelFest North Zone (just north of the Fire Station). The MarketPlace will be open the same hours as the CarmelFest, from 3 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. July 3 and from 12 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. July 4.

There will be a separate area for food vendors.

Thompson said she begins the selection process in the spring to choose vendors each year.

“We begin accepting applications around March 1 and things are usually finalized around June 15,” she said.

This will be her 13th year as director. In years prior she assisted her husband in finding vendors. She will be on hand to answer questions for guests and vendors. She also gets to enjoy in the shop-til-you-drop fun.

“I do walk around and talk to the vendors periodically during the festival, and I usually buy quite a bit,” said Thompson.

For more, visit carmelfest.net/vendors/crafts/.
